Ultimately this music is about transcendence, about
carrying us beyond our petty, relative, everyday concerns. That includes the confrontational, corrupt and malignant ideas of christians. What I find
particularly distasteful about this comment is its allusion to this music
‘belonging’ to christianity, a poison that has been responsible for the
crusades, the spanish inquisition, the ethnic cleansing of the american plains
Indian and the aztecs, and the sanctimonious abuse, torture and ultimate slaughter of every aboriginal people it has come into contact with. The burning of innocents accused of witchcraft, which went on for centuries in europe. The idea that God planted dinosaur bones to test our faith, thats the best one. The nonesense and inherent madness of the book of revelations, that favourite inspiration of american serial killers. And lets not forget the creation of that most perennial institution, the paedophile catholic priest.
Just the nonsensical idea that there is a big being floating around up there watching our every move, staying silent about the assault and rape of young children by his chosen representatives on earth,and deciding after staying silent for 98,000 years of our history as a species that the best thing he can do in order to help us all out is to send his boy to be decieved, tortured, starved, hung and stabbed to death. This particular brand of faith is nothing more than the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved. Its actually pathologically sick.
In the end it’s not your beliefs that make you a better person, it’s your behaviour. With that in mind it doesn’t take long to evaluate christianity based on the behaviour of its followers.
Christianity and god are dead. Christians killed them.
Good riddance.