We were not a ragged and disparate group of tribes of 'primitive bog people' living in misty isolation, but as the evidence clearly informs us, a sophisticated maritime civilisation with an indigenous system of farming and land management, and a religious structure built around the henge and the sacred circle and the veneration of ancestors. This gave birth to massive construction projects taking place over thousands of years that saw henges and circular stone and wood structures utterly unique to Britain springing up across the length and breadth of the land.
Pryors' wonderfuly articulate and evocative descriptions of the Druids and thier power and influence on the ancient Britains at the time of the roman invasion is also, at the same time, somewhat saddening, as a purely oral tradition was systematicaly eradicated from the map of the future of this land, and we are instead left only with the bombastic, delusional, bearded, wholemeal buffoons of the new age traditions to remind us of these remarkable people from the ancient past.
The druids were not slaughtered because they were pagans who committed savage acts of sacrifice, they were massacred because they were an alternative political structure. The rest is roman propaganda and new age nittwittery.
A wonderfuly articulate and passionate programme.